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Are we living "As it was in the days of Noah"?

We are living during a frightening time in our country. There are many unknowns and many more deceptions than most of the country realizes.

- It seems we are on the brink of WW3 as Russia is bombing ISIS and FSA targets in Syria.

- Planned Parenthood, on video, admitted to murdering children for profit while our churches, instead of funding a marketing campaign to save babies, buy another backdrop and smoke for the “worship experience.”

- Christians are being executed by the thousands and their villages burned by ISIS (while our government pretends we are at war with them and funding them at the same time).

- TPTB (The powers that be) are stirring racial tensions and seem to be encouraging civil war as they beat the drum to take away our 2nd Amendment rights.

- Our financial state is in utter disarray with record debt and unemployment.

- 60% of the country does not trust the Mainstream Media to tell the truth.

- Many are calling evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).

- Science has become a religion and is now seeking to destroy God with CERN.

- The pope is working to merge Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Catholicism.

- Our president has stated we are no longer a Christian nation while quoting Islamic prayers/scriptures.

- Public School Classrooms now teach the pillars of Islam and gender neutrality while not allowing speech about Christianity. All the while the new mega-church mentality has totally forgotten the Lord’s commission to “go and make disciples,” instead are creating hybrid fruit.

There is plenty more where that came from as many of you are aware.

It truly appears to me that we are living as it was in the days of Noah. Jesus states this in Matthew 24:37: "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be".

We have many concerns… what news to believe, how to prepare, our children, aging parents, grandchildren, careers, when to bugout, bills... the list seems to be literally endless.

There are so many directions I could go with this article, but I want to keep the main thing, the main thing. There is some time left for expounding on the list above Lord willing. "We shall see," right?

I want the first article ever on this website to end in this vein.

We don’t know what will happen when it hits the fan but we need to remember something, the most imporant thing in this world - EYES ON JESUS! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is on the throne and He is coming back for his Church! We must keep our wicks trimmed and our lamps lit (Matthew 25). We need to be about our Father’s business which is teaching all nations and being the light of the world, and the salt of the earth (Matthew 5).

The time for lukewarm Christianity has long since passed (Revelation 3). We need to be getting our lives right with our Maker. “Today is the day of Salvation (2 Corinthians 6).” We are not promised tomorrow (James 4). If we are blessed to have tomorrow we should pray through our day for windows of opportunity to infuse others in our circles of influence with the Truth of Christ and the truth of the matrix that has pulled down over their eyes.

REMEMBER TO PRAY! God prepares the hearts of those we are called to influence. The Lord will give you the words. It doesn't take many. Walk in Love.

When we do share, let us do so with humility (because we do not know it all). It is imperative we expose the Truth in a "Drip, Drip, Drip" fashion and NOT Ice Bucket Challenge. Always keep in your minds, We plant seeds. God is responsible for the harvest.

One last thing. As a good friend once told me, “Be a wise master builder. If you as a builder are brought in to repair, not replace, a brick wall, you must not remove all of the bad bricks at one time. Doing so may cause the wall to totally collapse. You should begin by taking out a bad brick or two and then replace them with new bricks. Probably not all bricks need to be replaced, just the bad ones. You continue this process, slowly giving the mortar time to set, until all of the bad bricks have been replaced and the wall remains solid”.

Let's Do This!


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